Don’t Miss My New Op-Ed: Confession from a lifelong Petrol Head. I love electric vehicles and it has nothing to do with politics.

Jun 28, 2024

This morning, I published an opinion article on my LinkedIn page focused on the facts about electric vehicles, ahead of a conversation I’m having at the Aspen Ideas Festival about electric vehicles and the future of auto with CNBC’s Julia Boorstin. You may hear about it in the news, so I wanted to be sure you heard about it from me first.

I never expected to fall in love with electric vehicles. But as I explain in the piece, that shift wasn’t the result of government policies or political beliefs. It’s about removing daily hassles and reminding us why we love to drive.

Customers are finding that driving an electric vehicle is cheaper, easier, and a better experience – and 70% say they’ll never go back. We know electric vehicles aren’t for everyone and every job – and we’re going to keep offering awesome gas and hybrid vehicles – but we are really excited about what the future holds. 

I’d appreciate you taking a look and sharing with your friends and family. Thank you for everything you do for Ford. 

LinkedIn: Confession from a lifelong Petrol Head. I love electric vehicles and it has nothing to do with politics.

This post comes to us from the desk of Ford CEO Jim Farley. To read his op-ed on electric vehicles and share it with your network, visit LinkedIn here.